Turkey Challenge – my performance review

Last Friday I wrote my predictions and strategies for the MBS Turkey Challenge. This was my first two-day competition and it was a bunch of fun. And once again I completely and totally overestimated my abilities… WOD 1 10min AMRAP: 30 Snatch (75) 30 Snatch (95) 30 Snatch (125) Max reps Snatch (145) Last weekContinue reading “Turkey Challenge – my performance review”

MBS Turkey Challenge …. Post Mortem

First, the bad news, the Odysseus Bar that was introduced during the MBS Turkey Challenge wasn’t a good idea. For those that don’t know the Odysseus is a bar of sorts that sits on top of a pullup bar…and spins. You can put pins into it so it does not spin, but when the pinsContinue reading “MBS Turkey Challenge …. Post Mortem”

MBS Turkey Challenge

Time to put my thoughts and strategy on paper for the Turkey Challenge at MBS this weekend. I typically do this and hysterically overestimate my abilities. Let’s do that. I want to look back at this on Monday and wonder what the hell I was thinking… WOD 1 10min AMRAP: 30 Snatch (75) 30 SnatchContinue reading “MBS Turkey Challenge”

Sometimes you have to tape yourself

This was yesterday’s “auxiliary” work at 24 Hour Fitness. I was doing a 5×5 of pause squats – 5 second pause at the bottom. This is what I learned by watching: I count to “5” a lot faster under load than I should. These weren’t 5 second pause squats, more like 2.5 second pause squats.Continue reading “Sometimes you have to tape yourself”